
On the Tip of the Toes launches a new event

September 25, 2018

In the fall of 2018, the On the Tip of the Toes Foundation will launch a new fundraising event to join the others: the Double Challenge of the two Marios, Rase-O-Thon Marie-Hélène Côté and Celebrate Life!

When a critical disease invades our lives, it often means that we have to leave school or a job. As such, young people living with cancer are faced with challenges that go beyond healing. For this reason, since 1996 the foundation has offered its therapeutic adventure expeditions totally free of charge. To do so, we rely on the generosity of donors and partners who believe in our mission and who contribute each in their own way to changing the image of cancer.

See our website to learn more about this fundraiser, which will be a great challenge for running enthusiasts …!